Bill Swann Glass

Full name icon Full name icon for Snowdonia accomodation page Bill Swann

Glaslyn Studio, Glaslyn Street., Porthmadog, LL49 9EN

Retail Phone Number Phone Number icon for Snowdonia retail page 01766 770686 Retail Mobile Number Mobile Number icon for Snowdonia retail page 07748 668957

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Bill Swann works in Snowdonia National Park in North Wales UK  Inspired by the natural land and seascapes of the area Bill produces fluid designs from blown lead crystal glass which are then designed into both interior and exterior panels which work with the light to reflect the changing atmosphere. Waterfalls, mountains and seashore images feature widely in his work of sculpture, glass wall hangings and public and private commissions and awards. Bill also works with communities of adults and children to create architectural pieces of glass work which remain in the communities buildings.