Antur Stiniog - Y Siop

Uned 1 - 2 Stryd Fawr, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, LL41 3ES

Retail Phone Number Phone Number icon for Snowdonia retail page 01766 832214

Retail Email Email icon for Snowdonia retail page

Retail Screen Screen icon for Snowdonia retail page

Antur 'Stiniog’s hub in the centre of Bro Ffestiniog. This is a commercial enterprise with a social heart. ‘Y Siop’ is a coffee house, outdoor clothing shop, art gallery and information centre for this unique area. Quality local produce is available in the coffee house, outdoor clothing by trusted brands as well as a range of Antur Stiniog's own branded wear, local photographs and art work in the gallery and there is also a range of electric bikes for hire.